Monday, October 17, 2011

About me

Name: Justin Saavedra

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Height: 6 feet 3 inches maybe 4 inches

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Body Type: Skinny

Religion: Christian I guess

Ethnicity: White

Orientation: Straight

Status: Single


Color?: Blue

Hair Style?: uhhhhh I wear hats....

Food?: Pizza

Soda?: Coke

Alchoholic Beverage?: Don't drink

Store?: 711

Mall?: I hate the mall...

State?: California

City?: Long Beach

Animal?: Narwhal

Movie?: Too hard to pick just one

TV Show?: Baseball

Book?: If I Die in a Combat Zone

Music?: Rock

Song?: Too Hard

Band/Artist?: RUSH, Faith no More, ALO, Jack Johnson, SRV, Kenny Wayne Sheppard, UFO, NWA,

Website?: ESPN

~This or That~

Soda or Juice?: Soda

Music or Internet?: You can find music on the internet

Rock or Rap?: Rock

Dogs or Cats?: Dogs

White or Black?: Black

Myspace or facebook?: Does myspace still exist?

Cell Phone or I-pod?: Cell Phone

Curly Hair or Straight Hair?: Straight

Lap-Top or Computer?: Lapton

Corded Phone or Cordless?: Cordless

Mountain Dew or Pepsi?: Pepsi

Pen or Pencil?: Pen

MP3 Player or I-pod?: Ipod

Phone or Internet?: Internet

Single or Taken?: Single

School or Work?: you get paid to go to work


What do you do on your spare time?: Dig through trash cans

What do you wish you had more time for?: Learning how to play my bass

Whats your usual clothing style?: Jeans and a button up or t shirt

Whats your usual hair style?: Hat

What are you wearing?: clothes

Are you single or taken?: Single

If taken, by who?: screw you bro I said single

Who would you die for?: My family

Are you a virgin?: yeah

What do you think of one night stands?: if thats what your into go a head

Whos your best friend?: Jamie

How long have you been friends?: 15 years

How did you and your best friend meet?: Neighbors

Do you have any pets?: 2 cats 1 leopard Gecko

If yes, how many?: Are you dumb see above

Do you plan on getting married?: Yeah if i can find a woman

Do you plan on having kids?: I will spawn offspring

If so, how many?: 1 or 2

How old did you wish you were?: I wish i didnt age

If you were to be anywhere right now, where would you be?: In St Louis waiting for Game 1 of the World Series

Ever gone Camping?: More or less yes

Have you ever caught a fish and ate it?: No but i know where to find some fish

Have you ever gone water skiing?: nope

Have you ever gone water tubing?: nope

Have you ever gone skiing on a mountain?: I went snowboarding once

Have you ever gone tubing on a mountain?: nope

Have you ever gone Snowboarding?: Huh maybe I should have seen this

Ever gone to church?: I did when I was younger, its been 3 years maybe since the last time

Ever gone to a famous water park?: Soak city is that famous

Ever gone out of State?: I've been to Nevada 3 times

Ever gone out of the country?: Mexico, specifically Cabo back in 2004?

When was the last time you left town?: a week ago

Anything you got planned for this weekend?: I never have plans, my plan is improvising

If so, what?: Dont you read Mr. Interviewer... I just told you what

Is this survey curing your bordom?: Nope not at all its actually made it worse

Do you resemble anyone famous?: Yeah I've been told I look like Eric Balfour

Are you related to anyone famous?: NO

If so, who?: I said no god dammit

Do you think your hott?: I think i might be appealing to some people

Do other people think your hott?: Yeah weirdos

Do you think your skinny?: I know im skinny

Or do you think your fat?: No 

Or just in between fat and skinny?: Just said I was skinny you dick 

What year were you born in?: 1992

Ever been on a blind date?: No sir

What do you enjoy doing when your bored?: Pretending i'm cool 

What do you do in the summer time?: The same stuff I do during the rest of the year, work

Are you naturally tanned?: eh yeah kinda

Or are you kinda pale?: I aint no albino

Do you live in a house?: I live in a luxurious box 

Or do you live in a apartment?: yeah you dont listen

What do you have on your mind?: Why am i still answering this damn questions?

What time is it?: 9:13 10/17/11

Okay so this is my introductory post so now you know me a little, let me just say thank god thats over.

Thanks for your time leave a comment if you wish

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